Our Artists & Manufacturers Introduction
The products and items we have are all from one of the best manufacturers and talented artists in the urushi lacquerware industry.
Junichi Hakose (箱瀬淳一)
- Wajima native, internationally acclaimed lacquer artist
Wajimaya Zen-ni (輪島屋善仁)
- The most prestigious Wajima-nuri manufacturer
Wajima Kirimoto (輪島キリモト)
- Fine Wajima-nuri manufacturer specialized in wood carving
Chihiro Yamawaki (山脇千尋)
- Young and talented lacquer artist from Kanazawa
Reia Momose(百瀬玲亜)
- Young and talented lacquer artist from Kanazawa
Yamanaka Shikki (山中漆器)
- Excellence in Wood Work Fuki-urushi finish with fine woodgrainsHida Shunkei(飛騨春慶)
- The Red Beauty Superb clear urushi lacquer finish
Echizen Shikki(越前漆器)
- The Lustrous Fine urushi lacquer in a modern style
Please enjoy your visit and see what is there behind the beautiful products we have.