Founded in 1813 in Wajima-city, Ishikawa Japan, with more than 200 years of tradition, Wajimaya Zen-ni is one of the most prestigious lacquerware manufacturers in Japan.

Wajimaya Zen-ni's philosophy is to pursue and refine their capability to create lacquerwares that are the best in history, without deviating any from the traditional methodology of Wajima lacquerware manufacturing.
People of Wajima know how Wajimaya Zen-ni's efforts and practices have been rigorous and tough in the ever-shrinking market and declining industry situation for these twenty years or more, especially where all the traditional skills and workmanship and materials are diminishing. For instance, Wajimaya Zen-ni cultivates urushi lacquer trees themselves on a vast scale to preserve the quality and the supply of the urushi lacquer for their use. However the road is tough, they are spirited to create lacquerwares that emit beauty as it did from 200 years ago.
Now a retired owner Mr. Katsuro Nakamuro is the eighth generation Nushi-ya (leading lacquerware coordinator) counting from the founder. He has been an avid researcher of Wajima lacquerware, an educator and an advocator of the lacquerware industry with his authored books on Wajima Lacquerware and on Wajima.
He leads the lacquerware industry with his enthusiasm, love, and respect to the beauty of the traditional Japanese lacquerwares and to Wajima.
We Kogei Styling are proud to serve as one of the very few authorized retailers and the first for overseas sales of the highly respected manufacturer, Wajimaya Zen-ni.
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